Meet Our Team
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE) is home to a team of highly skilled specialists and staff members, who have extensive experience in achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients . Under the accomplished leadership of Madeline Schaberg, MD, Director of Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, our team draws on the most advanced science to deliver the careful and compassionate care you and your family deserve.

Head and Neck Surgery

Mount Sinai Doctors-55 E34th Street 55 East 34th Street New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-252-6131212-252-6131
- Clinical Focus
Allergic RhinitisAphthous UlcersBenign Paroxysmal Positional VertigoBiopsyCoughDeafnessDeviated Nasal SeptumDizzinessDysphoniaENT ConsultationEar Fullness / PoppingEar InflammationEar PainEar Wax CleaningEnlarged / Inflamed TonsilsFine Needle BiopsyFluid in Middle Ear / Otitis MediaHearing LossHearing Problems / Ringing in EarsHoarseness / Voice DisorderHyperparathyroidismLaryngeal CancerLoss of Smell / AnosmiaMiddle Ear InfectionMyringotomyNasal CongestionNasal PolypNose FractureObstructive Sleep ApneaOtitis ExternaPost-Nasal DripRhinitisSeptal DefectsSwallowing ProblemsVertigoView More

Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) / Otolaryngology, Facial Plastic Surgery

Mount Sinai Doctors-2875 Broadway 2875 Broadway New York, NY 10025 Phone: 212-523-1600212-523-1600
Mount Sinai Doctors- 262 West 53rd Street 262 West 53rd Street New York, NY 10019 Phone: 212-641-4500212-641-4500
- Clinical Focus
Balloon SinuplastyBlepharoplastyBotox TreatmentBroken NoseDeviated Nasal SeptumENT ConsultationEar Surgery / OtoplastyFacial Feminization SurgeryFacial FractureFacial LesionsFacial TraumaFiller TreatmentNasal CongestionNasal DeformitiesNose FractureOpen Reduction And Internal Fixation SurgeryParathyroid DisorderParathyroidectomyParotid MassRhinitisRhinoplastySeptoplastySinus SurgerySkin CancerSkin Cancer RemovalSkin GraftThyroid NoduleThyroidectomyTympanoplastyWrinklesView More

Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) / Otolaryngology

Mount Sinai Doctors-2875 Broadway 2875 Broadway (Between 111th St and 112th St- Enter on112th St) New York, NY 10025 Phone: 212-523-1600212-523-1600
- Clinical Focus
AdenoidectomyAllergic RhinitisBalloon SinuplastyBenign Paroxysmal Positional VertigoBotox TreatmentBreathing ProblemsBroken NoseCerumen ImpactionCoughCricopharyngeal DysfunctionDeviated Nasal SeptumDysphoniaENT ConsultationEar Drainage / DischargeEar Fullness / PoppingEar TubesEar Wax CleaningEnlarged / Inflamed TonsilsFluid in Middle Ear / Otitis MediaHearing LossHoarseness / Voice DisorderHypoglossal Nerve Stimulation SurgeryLaceration RepairLaryngoscopyLymph Node BiopsyMyringotomyNasal Airway ObstructionNasal PolypNeck Lump(s)Obstructive Sleep ApneaParotitisPerforated / Ruptured EardrumSalivary Gland DisordersSalivary Gland TumorsSeptoplastySleep ApneaSnoringStroboscopySwallowing ProblemsThyroglossal Duct CystTongue-Tie / Stafne DefectTonsil Stones / TonsillolithsTonsillectomyTonsillitisTracheotomyTympanoplastyVertigoVocal Cord ProblemView More

Head and Neck Surgery

Physician Office 20 East 46th Street Suite 800 New York, NY 10017 Phone: 646-490-4680646-490-4680
- Clinical Focus
Allergic RhinitisBreathing ProblemsCerumen ImpactionCoughDeviated Nasal SeptumHearing LossNasal AllergiesNasal CongestionPerforated / Ruptured EardrumPost-Nasal DripSinus HeadacheSinusitisSleep ApneaSore ThroatSwelling in NeckView More

Daniel Alicea (Preferred Name)
Head and Neck Surgery, Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) / Otolaryngology

Mount Sinai Doctors–Delancey Street 104 Delancey Street New York, NY 10002 Phone: 212-677-2157212-677-2157
- Clinical Focus
Allergic RhinitisAudiologyBalloon SinuplastyBiopsyCerebrospinal Fluid LeakDeviated Nasal SeptumENT ConsultationForeign Body in NoseLoss of Smell / AnosmiaNasal Airway ObstructionNasal AllergiesNasal CancerNasal CongestionNasal DeformitiesNasal PolypPost-Nasal DripRhinitisSeptal DefectsSeptoplastySinus CancerSinus HeadacheSinus SurgerySinusitisSkull Base SurgerySkull Base Tumor/CancerView More

Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) / Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai 310 East 14th Street 6th Floor North New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212-979-4200212-979-4200
- Clinical Focus
Allergic RhinitisBalloon SinuplastyDeviated Nasal SeptumFine Needle BiopsyLymph Node BiopsyNasal CongestionNasal PolypParotid MassRhinitisSalivary Gland TumorsSeptoplastySinus HeadacheSinus SurgerySinusitisSubmandibular TumorSwelling in NeckThyroid CancerThyroid NoduleThyroidectomyView More

Head and Neck Surgery

310 East 14th Street 6th Floor, North Building New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212-979-4200212-979-4200
- Clinical Focus
Allergic RhinitisBalloon SinuplastyDeviated Nasal SeptumENT ConsultationNasal CancerNasal PolypRhinitisSeptal DefectsSeptoplastySinus HeadacheSinus SurgerySinusitisSkull Base Tumor/CancerSore ThroatView More